8 health benefits of watermelons!!!

Watermelons are rich in vitamins and minerals,
and do you know that eating watermelon can
have a beneficial calming effect on your mood
and even improve the functioning of your brain?

OK, here are 8 health benefits you can get from
eating watermelon regularly.
1. Eating watermelon can provide you with the
Vitamin A that you need to keep your eyes
healthy and help to ward off macular
degeneration, as you get older.

2. Watermelon helps hydrate your body because it
contains rehydration substances, such as
calcium, magnesium and potassium needed for

3. Watermelon can help fight cancer because it is
one of the best natural sources of the
antioxidant, lycopene, which has been linked to
the prevention and the treatment of certain types
of cancer.

4. Watermelon helps regulate blood pressure
because it has magnesium, potassium and amino
acids that can help to regulate and even reduce
blood pressure.

5. Watermelon boosts your energy levels since it
contains vitamin B6 and B1 contents, which the
body uses to create the feel good hormone,

6. Watermelon helps keep your kidneys healthy
for its natural diuretic properties, which help your
body to get rid of toxins and reduce the risk of
kidney stones.

7. Watermelon helps to boost the immune system
due to its very high Vitamin C content, and also
helps in the formation of collagen, which is
essential for the formation of new, beautiful skin.

8. Watermelon can help to fight the ageing
process, for its rich source of phenolic
compounds like flavonoids, carotenoids and
tripterpenoids, which help protect against cell
damage caused by free radicals, which usually
fasten skin ageing.

photo credit @ lifehack


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